The Indisputable Importance of Instagram in Successful Online Marketing

The Indisputable Importance of Instagram in Successful Online Marketing

Published on 4th of September 2024

Social media marketing is increasingly important for business, and Instagram is one of the best platforms to promote your content on. It helps you spread your messages, reach a wider audience, and expand your online presence.

Instagram is a popular online marketing tool that’s quick and easy to use. It appeals to everyone—from nonprofits and big companies to startups and small businesses.

So, what is so important about Instagram in digital marketing? This is exactly what we're discussing: how significant Instagram may be for your online business.

For one, the platform is making new features available to keep its growing user base interested and give entrepreneurs, managers, marketers, and creators a chance to connect with their target customers, no matter where they are.

We'll be covering 5 reasons Instagram is such an important tool for your business:

1. It’s a visually stimulating platform that users can’t get enough of

Instagram is a visual social network that has evolved significantly over the years from being a simple photo-sharing app to one that allows for video content, live streaming, and the latest feature called "Reels."

All these features are geared towards presenting oneself visually and interacting with people in different ways. As a marketing tool, Instagram has an advantage over text-centered platforms because people are more likely to engage with visuals.

Visual elements are incredibly powerful for connecting with your audience. From their design style to even their color scheme, these elements can help your brand stand out and make a lasting impression. Words may not have the same power.

For this reason, visual sites like Instagram have become popular. When you upload pictures or videos, the media tells a story in a way that words cannot.

In today's digital world where there are a hundred blog posts for every company, a clever brand can stand out by using unique graphics and visual storytelling on social media.

2. The community is all-age inclusive

One of the key features Instagram has is how it reaches audiences from all generations. This powerful social network has managed to penetrate the minds and hearts of people of all ages and demographics.

While one of the biggest challenges for businesses is reaching their target audience, one way to handle this is to target specific age groups. Instagram now helps you manage your communication with any of these groups.

Well, it's understandable since there are over 1 billion users of various age groups on the platform. This provides businesses with an easy targeting approach.

If your products or services specifically target a certain gender or age group, you’ll find that Instagram is the perfect place to reach them. Take TikTok for example - most of the users are in their teenage years or early twenties, which is not so age inclusive.

The Instagram platform should not be looked over in a digital marketing strategy, so it’s important to implement it as soon as possible. It has become an integral part of the modern approach, as more people from all age groups are making use of the app.

3. It fosters collaborative opportunities

Instagram provides several features that make it well-known for partnerships and collaborations.

For one, since it’s owned by the social media giant Facebook, Instagram allows business accounts to sync their IG account with their FB account. This will combine the power and reach of two powerhouse platforms for successful business promotions.

With this, business owners can leverage the massive user base of the Instagram and Facebook platforms to target their advertising efforts. By doing so, businesses will reach their target demographic more easily by leveraging the effective ad targeting tools that both platforms offer.

This innovative feature also allows brands to control their Facebook and Instagram accounts from the same website, saving them time and money. They can post content across both channels simultaneously, with synced posts and stories.

4. It encourages strategic use of hashtags

Made famous by Twitter, the use of hashtags has become an inescapable by-product of social media. It can now be seen almost anywhere - we’re all familiar with the idea due to how common they have become in social networking.

What Instagram did was allow its users to make the most of hashtags in their posts. Well, on the Gram, you can include up to 30 hashtags in a post - but using about 10 to 15 would be more advisable. This enables marketers to target their desired audience based on not just location, but also interests and demographics.

Instagram provides a wealth of analytics for any given hashtag. Brands can get an understanding of the people using it and how engaged they are, making it easy to choose more popular ones that will increase your chance of going viral.

In addition, Instagram ranks posts based on hashtags. And while the platform does not allow for overuse, it doesn’t support the complete lack of a hashtag either.

Continuously repeating the same hashtags on your posts reduces engagement, which effectively makes room for fresh ideas to ensure creators always get something new.

This means brands should think strategically about their Instagram posts and hashtag use if they're really serious about improving Instagram ranking and engagement.

5. It’s incredibly mobile-friendly

The smartphone age has made it important for products to be marketed in a mobile-friendly way, as basically everyone today engages with their device throughout the day.

Brands must be readily available to appear in front of their audience online, using mobile-friendly platforms like Instagram. They must also be accessible to create brand awareness among mobile users, which is why Instagram is essential to digital marketing in the 21st century.

The mobile-friendliness of this app is top-of-the-line, which allows users to stay up to date on the go and empowers brands to update their followers with ease and speed.

For instance, a short video at lunch keeps things interesting for your followers, telling them about your approach to nutrition. With an effortless selfie post at the gym, you tell your followers about your fitness regimen and give them a glimpse of how you're invested in your lifestyle.

Beyond that, a quick poll of your followers can help decide on which new features to introduce for your brand based on what customers want the most.


In these simple ways, Instagram has created the perfect environment for brands to easily create tangible awareness through a smartphone and for users to stay up-to-date with their favorite brands daily.

With all the benefits, it’s no wonder that Instagram is still a useful digital marketing strategy in this day and age. You’d miss out if you don’t include it in your company's marketing plan.

Take the step of incorporating it today or learn to enhance your approach to Instagram marketing if you have already. Good luck!

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Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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