Using Meta Business Suite to Market on Instagram

Using Meta Business Suite to Market on Instagram

Published on 7th of January 2025

Because of Instagram's visual nature, it's the perfect platform to showcase the unique design of your products or services. You can use eye-catching photos, videos, and graphics to share your brand's story and tell people about what you have to offer. However, there's more to Instagram marketing than just posting beautiful images. It takes a lot of effort and consistency to keep your audience engaged.

If you're struggling with your Instagram business, you can get a lot of help from the Meta Business Suite. Not only does it streamline activities across Facebook and Instagram, but it also offers additional tools that build engagement. Here's everything you need to know about the Meta Business Suite and how you can use it for Instagram marketing.

What Is the Meta Business Suite?

The Meta Business Suite is a singular dashboard where you can manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts. The platform lets you manage notifications, create ads, check performance insights, and more. You can get it for free on your mobile or desktop.

But before using it, you need to create a Facebook Business Account first by following these steps:

  • 1. Put your business's account name and select "Next."

  • 2. Fill in your contact details, such as full name and email address. Facebook will use this information to contact you and won't share them with the public.

  • 3. Select the Facebook and Instagram accounts you want to manage. Note that your Instagram account should be a business profile instead of a personal account.

  • 4. Add people to your business account by assigning contacts as employees or business admins. You can skip this step if you want to manage your account on your own.

  • 5. Confirm that all your details are correct. You will then have access to your Meta Business Suite dashboard.

If you're still using a personal Instagram account, here's how you can turn it into a business profile:

  • 1. Select the menu icon on the top right corner of your profile.

  • 2. Select "Settings," then choose "Account."

  • 3. Tap the "Switch to business account" option.

  • 4. Connect it to your business's Facebook page.

  • 5. Fill in your business's information, such as contact details and business category.

  • 6. Select "Done."

Create and Schedule Posts

Having a social media calendar is crucial in Instagram marketing. With the Meta Business Suite, you can stay on schedule and be consistent with your posting. You can create your content directly on the platform and assign a posting date to each one. It works for Instagram Stories too. To see an overview of your posting schedule, you can select the Planner section, which presents past and future posts in a calendar.

That's not all. The Meta Business Suite lets you know when your followers are the most active so you can post at the most optimum times. It also has a hashtag tool that shows you which hashtags are trending and lets you save your favorite ones. It even recommends new ones based on the hashtags you've used before.

Create Ads

Instagram ads are an effective way to reach your target audience and drive engagement. On the Meta Business Suite platform, you can design your creatives and identify what goals you want them to achieve. You can boost an Instagram post to generate more profile or website visits or get more people to message you. You can also set a budget and duration for your ads.

You can also track your ads' performance through various metrics. Your dashboard will display ad reach and engagement as well as the number of link clicks and page likes. You can use the filtering tool to display results from the last week, month, two months, and three months.

Here's the simple step-by-step process of how to create an ad using the Meta Business Suite:

  • 1. Select a goal, whether it's to get more leads, messages, or website visits.

  • 2. Create your ad and check how it will look through the live preview feature.

  • 3. Identify your target audience and set your ad duration and budget.

  • 4. Select "Promote Now" to submit your ad for review.

Discover Insights

Numerous third-party services can offer you Instagram analytics, but none compare to the insights that the Meta Business Suite provides. Everything you need to know about your content's performance will be on the Insights dashboard, including reach and the number of likes, comments, and shares. You'll even see the cost per result, which shows you if you were cost-efficient in reaching your targets.

You can also get valuable insights about your community through the Audience section. It provides a breakdown of your audience's demographics, including their age and gender, as well as the top countries, cities, and towns. Aside from your actual audience, it also provides an estimated audience size if you run an ad. You can filter the results by age, gender, location, and language if you want to get an estimate for a custom audience.

Manage Your Inbox

When your audience interacts with you through comments or messages, you need to keep the ball rolling by replying to them. Because when they're engaged, you're more likely to convert them. While it can be overwhelming to respond to everyone, the Meta Business Suite streamlines the process.

You can access all your Instagram and Facebook comments and DMs from one inbox and reply to them in one go. You can even set up automated replies if you're tired of answering the same questions.

The Bottom Line

All Instagram creators and businesses should take advantage of the Meta Business Suite. If you're promoting your brand on Instagram, you're probably also using Facebook to tap a wider audience. With the Meta Business Suite, you're streamlining the activities on both accounts and can perform your social media tasks much faster.

It's a robust platform with all the tools you need to drive engagement. You can create content, schedule your posts, run ads, and track your growth. Even replying to comments and messages is more effortless with it. If you're paying a third-party service for these features, save your money by switching to the free Meta Business Suite.

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Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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