How to Level-Up on Instagram as a New Brand

How to Level-Up on Instagram as a New Brand

Published on 21st of February 2022

Instagram is now the most used social platform for business and brand marketing, all thanks to its millions of active users.

Getting your brand before those numbers will only mean one thing: brand recognition. In other words, patronage will come rushing in.

Well, it’s one thing to be on Instagram. It's another to use as a tool for marketing your brand, but the main thing will be making the most of it.

There are thousands of brands cashing out huge checks, thanks to Instagram marketing. To achieve the same result, you only need to level up as a brand.

You need to know what these people are doing right; what's getting them this far. And this guide is here for just that. You would be led by the hand to know how you can level up on Instagram even as a fresh brand:

Use videos a lot (...more than your competitors)

This is the era of visual content where people are interested to see what you're talking about rather than mere words. So instead of just writing about your brand with just a logo in place, you can make an engaging video of it.

Let people connect with what you're saying. And you can’t really say when a video of yours will go viral. But of course, if and when one does, it'll drive unprecedented traffic to your page.

Instagram has some editing features which make it easy to make a video. So go ahead and create appealing visual content that tells everyone what your brand is all about. And you want to do this more than your competitors.

Schedule your time (based on real analytics)

White and Pink Alarm ClockAs a new brand (or at least, new to social media), you should know who your brand is targeting and when to post. Of course, this is when your targeted audiences are most active.

And you don’t just want to post on Instagram. You need to share engaging posts to get your engagement rates high up.

If you can’t intuitively find this out, then you should look into your page insights and know when your followers do engage with your posts. Then you can make those peaks your posting times.

If you need a fast level-up on Instagram, which is all about creating that wider awareness for your brand, then sponsored ads wouldn’t be a bad idea.

You can do this using these three easy ways.

  • Create ads directly from Instagram: Just create with a short video or plain image, then choose your preferred locations, interests, and genders to target your ads.

  • Create ads from your Facebook page: First, connect your Instagram page with your Facebook page. You can then create ads that appear both on your Facebook and Instagram pages.

  • Create ad campaigns in Ads Manager: The tool gives complete control over your Facebook and Instagram adverts.

Post regularly and be active

This point can’t be overemphasized when it comes to social media marketing. When you're trying to find your feet as a new brand, this is when to push yourself more.

You don’t rest until you have seen your result. You're trying to level up and maybe take your brand to the next level, so you must keep on posting quality posts on your page. You must remain active so as to engage your existing and potential buyers constantly.

You can easily engage your followers in the comment section. And since you can’t imagine when your big break will arrive, you need to be alert and active always.

So go ahead and plan your content ahead of time, having them ready to be posted daily. Building a brand to an enviable level doesn’t happen in a day. You can’t be lazy about it.

Photo Of People Holding Each Other's HandsHow else will you learn about how others succeeded without connecting with them? We rise by raising others, so you can quickly level up if you engage with other like-minds. Some will tutor you right, others will enter mutual collaborations.

So all you need to do is to research these like-minded businesses and content creators. You can use location or keyword search to get these accounts.

You can now follow them on their pages and engage with their posts. Don’t forget to tag those other businesses and creators, so your posts can reach new audiences.

You should also learn from their posts, hashtags, and even captions. You will soon be getting the result you need, provided you don't copy but get inspired by their content.

Interestingly, lots of brands and social media marketers are more than happy to collaborate with your business. You just need to find them so you can build a solid Instagram presence with the help of their audiences.

Adopt an Instagram plan

Pensive young female with short hairstyle writing in notebook while sitting in light living roomOf course, you can grow your brand with any social platform. Without having a specific plan to achieve the goal, however, greatness will be way difficult to attain.

Leveling up on Instagram as a brand needs you to put a great plan in motion so that whatever goal you have would be achieved. One good thing about this is that it helps you channel all your energy to seeing real results.

So, you need a goal-oriented plan. Find out the metrics you need to track and measure your progress as you move along.

The next thing is to know your competitors and your potential customers. You can explore web analytics tools to identify your followers' interests and demographics. Same with your competitors; research their strategies and adopt them.

Take it above and beyond!

Being a new brand doesn’t mean you should be stunted. The big names you hear on Instagram today also started like you but have now grown in leaps and bounds.

They were simply able to level up with their counterparts. It's doable for you too. So use the above tips to grow your new brand to the level you envisage for it.

For more tips on how to maximize your digital marketing efforts, please check out this article from The Daily Iowan.

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Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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