What You Can Learn From These 4 Shops About Aesthetic Instagram Profiles
Published on 8th of April 2019One of the best ways to learn about how you can gain more followers, have a better Instagram profile, and so on, is to study successful Instagrams. It’s important to read about how you can be better on Instagram, but it helps to see the people who are applying those actions and how they’re applying them.
How your Instagram looks isn’t the only thing that matters, but it’s one of the many determining factors for whether a person follows you and whether they buy from you or not. We’re going to take a look at four Instagram shops down below, and what they’re doing right with their pictures.
1. Twill and Print
Twill and Print is a shop owned by Tiffany Kerr, and she writes in her bio that’s she’s a Montreal based bag maker, knitter, fiber flair, and designer. You can easily see what we can learn from this shop with 14,000 followers.
The aesthetic. Her Instagram profile, though filled with lots of colors, manages not only to avoid looking messy, but it looks very well put together. It’s not hard for a brand with a few brand colors to have an aesthetic profile, but Tiffany manages to make hers look warm and inviting with all the colors of the rainbow.
This is how you want your profile to look. You want the even look that satisfies your followers (and most importantly, potential followers). You don’t want colors that don’t match, a mess that stresses people out, or an uninviting look. Followers love aesthetic profiles that make them feel satisfied.
Questions for action: How can you make your pictures have an overall aesthetic, pleasing, and satisfying look? How can you include your brand colors?
2. Dodo Toucan
This is another shop owner that does something great with her pictures. Sara Theron, the owner of Dodo Toucan, moulds and paints ceramic figures. With over 20,000 followers, she clearly knows what she’s doing.
The thing that stands out about Sara’s profile is, not only the neat togetherness, but the actual pictures of her products. If you want to stand out among your competitors, you want to be creative with your product pictures.
As you can see in the image above, Sara arranges her ceramics in a unique way. She could have easily arranged one ceramic in front of a colored background and snapped a picture, but that doesn’t stand out, does it? If you look at the second image, she arranged her ceramics to look as though they were in the forest with a background of trees. She didn’t just use one ceramic, either, she placed the ones of the animals that would live there. It stands out.
Questions for action: How can you arrange your products so that it catches a person’s eyes, and doesn’t fit the standard product picture of most people? What creative picture will manage to sell your items?
3. Fernweh Home
Grace Sarris, owner of Fernweh Home, manages something that you’ll want to do with your Instagram profile as well. Her profile evokes feeling. She’s a woodworker who builds decor for homes (and has over 10,000 followers). Depending on your shop, brand, and products, you might want to evoke joy, lightheartedness, coziness, rebellion, and so on.
Grace is selling products for homes, so what’s the feeling she would want to evoke with her Instagram aesthetic? She wants you to feel warm, cozy, and comfortable. She does exactly that, if you look at the picture above. The beiges, browns, and whites make you relaxed. But you might be asking, “What’s the point?”
This is the point: When you look at her pictures, they make you think, “I wish my home was that comfortable.” So, you take a look at what’s in the room. Her products. If those products can make her room look and feel like that, then surely it can make your room look and feel like that too, so you buy the product. It’s a smart tactic.
Questions for action: What feeling do you want to evoke with your Instagram profile? How are you going to set up your pictures and Instagram aesthetic so that you succeed in doing so?
4. Catastrophic Creations
With 43,000 followers, Catastrophic Creation does one thing that every shop Instagram wants to do. This shop sells “unconditional cat furniture” and as you can see in the picture above, they do well. How do I know? Because most of the posts in that profile is user-generated content. That means they’re posting videos and pictures that customers have sent them.
I believe that one of the things that contributes to their growing success is their content. As you can see, they’re not just posting pictures of their products. They’re sharing content of the cats interacting with the products.
This is a smart move because any cat owner who bumps into this page will look at a video of a cat playing with Catastrophic Creation’s furniture, and they will automatically visualize their own cat doing the same thing. A picture of the product can make a potential customer think, “Oh, this is cool,” but a video of a cat playing with the furniture will make the potential customer think, “Hey, this could be my cat!” Thus, they’re more likely to buy.
It’s not just about the pictures of your products, it’s about letting other people see how they (their pet, home, etc.) could possibly look like. You put them in that position.
Questions for action: How can you ask your customers to share their pictures with you? And/or how can you take pictures in which you or someone else interact with your products?
- Make your Instagram look like it fits overall. No random pictures, colors, or products. Everything has to match and look aesthetic.
- Arrange your products so that they stand out rather than having a basic picture we’ve seen thousands of times. Make them unique.
- Evoke a feeling from your followers that makes them want to buy your product.
- Share pictures that lets potential customers see themselves using your product. Interact with your products.