Tips for Going Live Like a Pro on Instagram
Published on 29th of November 2024Contents
More than a billion people use Instagram each month, so it’s smart business for brands to actively engage with the app regularly. And one of the most successful ways to connect with followers is to go Live.
However, many people are scared to go Live and afraid they’ll mess up. The thing that makes going Live easy to do is what scares people. It’s as simple as a couple of taps, and you’re suddenly broadcasting to all of your followers and whoever they share it with.
Some people love social media so much because they can prepare content privately and carefully edit it before posting it to their followers. There’s something about the virtual aspect of social media that creates enough of a wall that people often feel insulated. But going Live can feel a lot like public speaking at first.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prepare for your “spontaneous” Live ahead of time. With some practice, you can jump right into your Lives with confidence.
Create a Plan for Going Live
Are you a planner who likes lists? While going Live is a free-flowing and spontaneous format, you don’t have to dive in unprepared. Decide what your Live will be about, and create an outline.
By making an outline or detailed list, you can ensure that you cover the main points in your Live without forgetting why you went Live in the first place. And if the nerves hit, your outline will serve as a prompt that pulls you from one point to the next.
Practice Going Live As Many Times As You Need
One technique that works equally well for public speaking and going Live is practice. Yes, going Live is a way to open a window into your life and what you’re thinking to your followers. However, it’s okay to practice running through your main points in front of a mirror or a trusted friend.
By practicing your spiel, you can get an idea of what sounds good out loud and what doesn’t, and how long your Live will be. You can listen to see if you are speaking too quickly or too slowly and also think about your gestures and facial expressions. For example, will you go Live outside, in your studio, or in a crowd?
Start Your First Live Somewhere that Feels Safe
You may have watched people go Live at concerts, parks, grocery stores, and other public places. But it can be a bit nerve-wracking to go Live around people you don’t know. Instead, try going Live from a more private place like your car (not while driving), your studio or home, or your yard.
As you become more comfortable with the feel and process of going Live, you can begin branching out to more public locations.
Gather Questions Ahead of Time or Do an AMA
If you are stumped for a theme or content for your Live, let others provide the content for you. Post ahead of time that you’re going to be doing a Live answering questions from followers. Or, offer to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything), which encourages viewers to actively engage with you and stay engaged during the Live.
Sometimes it can feel more comfortable to be in the position of answering questions that others pose, and you might even start enjoying it.
Don’t Go Live Alone
There’s nothing wrong with getting help for your Live. If sitting in front of the rolling camera alone gives you the heebie-jeebies, ask a friend, coworker, or collaborator to join you on the Live so you can volley the conversation back and forth.
Whether you go Live together in the same room or invite someone into the Live remotely, having a partner or three can be a great way to ease the tension and keep the session flowing more naturally.
The Best Way to Learn Is to Teach
Your Live doesn’t have to be silly or wacky. You can use the Live format to offer a workshop or seminar to your followers about what you do or a topic that relates to your products. Be careful when going this route not to fall into the Imposter Syndrome trap. Sometimes people get anxious about teaching a subject because they get caught up in whether they’re expert enough.
But the reason you should go Live is the same reason you should go ahead and teach. You don’t have to be an expert to offer your followers a fresh perspective or valuable knowledge.
Product Unboxing and Fashion Shows
Ask a few friends to help you out, and you can do a fun unboxing or a quick, mini-fashion show to demonstrate your products. Unboxing videos have remained popular, and people love the reveal process.
If you’re unboxing your own products, it’s a fabulous way to use physical prompts to talk about the benefits or features of your products. You can also show how to use them, wear them, or get the most out of them. Including friends in the process lets people see the products from different perspectives.
Just Dive Right Into the Water
The “dive in” approach doesn’t work for everyone, but you might be surprised how well it goes. The fact is, hardly anyone is good at their first few Lives. It takes practice even for the most extroverted and outgoing people. So your best approach might be to just dive straight into the cold water.
Once you get over the initial shock, you’ll get more comfortable more quickly than you thought. Just tap on the Plus icon near the top of the screen while in Instagram. Then tap on Live, and then hit the recording button. Putting yourself on the spot might work out since you won’t have time to overthink the process and let anxiety get the better of you.
The more you practice going Live, the better you’ll get. After a while, it’ll feel as easy as talking to your close friends. And that’s the goal! You want your followers to feel like the conversation is personal and you are right there with them—or they are right there with you. Going Live is an incredible tool in your business and marketing arsenal, so don’t neglect it. Just go for it.