9 Tips for Promoting Your Blog on Instagram

9 Tips for Promoting Your Blog on Instagram

Published on 25th of September 2023

Do you use a blog to keep your customers informed and promote your products? Because it’s such an important step in each customer’s journey, you need to send as much traffic to your blog as possible. Fortunately, you can incorporate some Instagram marketing strategies to drive traffic to your blog. Use an assortment of these options so you can increase your traffic and get more devoted readers. Then, you can begin hitting your marketing goals.

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    You can add a clickable link to your Instagram bio, so consider including your blog’s URL. While you can use the blog’s main landing page, promoting specific posts is even more effective. You’ll need to edit your URL often, but this will allow you to target your marketing efforts.

    However, if you get annoyed with the constant updating, you can use a third-party tool to include more than one link. You’ll still need to do some updating from time to time, but it won’t be nearly as often.

  • 2. Include CTAs to Direct People to Your Blog

    Next, you want to create posts with compelling calls to action to get people to visit your blog. This is why it’s so important to link to specific blog posts in your bio. By doing that, you can promote a post instead of your blog in general.

    Make sure you don’t include the same CTA over and over again, though. If you do, it won’t stand out to readers. Instead, get creative when coming up with CTAs to include in your posts. By mixing it up, the words will stand out, so you can get results.

  • 3. Use Stunning Images for Promotional Posts

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    Your blog might be full of informative text, but you still need to use stunning images when promoting it on Instagram. Come up with images that will make people stop in their tracks and take notice. If you can get them to stop scrolling, they’re more likely to follow the directions provided in the CTA.

  • 4. Tease Out a Story With Images

    While a single stunning image will help you drive traffic, you can get even more readers by telling a story over the course of several days. First, use your post’s featured image and add a little teaser. Then, continue to drop more and more images over the following days. Include a little extra information with each image but leave people wanting more. Be sure to let people know they can get the whole story by visiting your blog. Again, you’ll want to use a CTA to remind them to go to your bio for the link if you’re creating feed posts.

  • 5. Increase Engagement for Promotional Posts

    You want lots of people to see your promotional posts, but Instagram’s algorithm makes that challenging. You have to generate lots of engagement to reach more people. However, you need to reach more people to get more engagement.

    There’s an easy workaround to this problem, though. Each time you promote your blog on Instagram, buy real likes for that post. Then, your engagement metrics will increase, triggering Instagram’s algorithm to show your post to more people. This will help you get a lot more exposure for your blog without putting in much work.

  • Did you know that you can add link stickers to your Stories to promote your blog? At first, this feature was only available for some accounts, but now, everyone can access it.

    First, create a teaser slide for your post. Then, add the story sticker to link to that specific post. When people swipe up, they’ll go to your blog.

    Are you having trouble getting people to notice your Stories? You can take your Stories to the next level by using Canva, VSCO, and other apps.

  • 7. Save Linked Stories as Highlights

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    Stories are designed to disappear after 24 hours unless you add them to your Highlights. Fortunately, link stickers remain active for the Stories you save to your account’s Highlights. Thus, choose an assortment of blog posts to continue to promote in your Highlights album. Then, people can visit your page, click on the Highlights, and swipe up to visit your blog. By doing this, your Stories will have much longer shelf lives and can continue to drive traffic to your blog.

  • 8. Give Some Secrets Away on Live

    Instagram live is another fantastic tool for promoting your blog. First, choose one of your top blog posts. Then, host a live video to discuss some of what you wrote about in that post. You can give a basic overview without getting into the meat of the article. You can then direct people to your blog to learn more.

  • 9. Run a Paid Advertising Campaign

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    If you have a little extra money to play around with, consider running a paid advertising campaign on Instagram. You can include links in your campaign so people can swipe up to visit your blog.

    Before setting up your campaign, make sure you can monetize the audience that visits your blog. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing a lot of money instead of gaining it.

    One option is to include a signup list on your blog. Then, you can collect email addresses to use for marketing.

    Another option is to promote posts that include product information. The posts should link to your products so people can buy them without searching around your site.

    Be sure to track the analytics to determine the return on investment when using this strategy. If you’re breaking even or coming out ahead, it can be a helpful way to promote your blog. However, if you’re sinking a lot of money into the endeavor without getting results, you’ll want to explore other options.

Start Slowly to Build Readers

Do not overdo it when promoting your blog on Instagram. You don’t want your followers to get annoyed after seeing one promotional post after the next. Thus, work slowly while building your readership. At the same time, provide value on Instagram and your blog to optimize the user experience. Then, you’ll have happy followers and readers. Additionally, some of those happy people might become brand advocates and promote your blog to their friends and family members.

Published by Stormlikes.com

Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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