How to get your content on the explore page

How to get your content on the explore page

Published on 27th of April 2018


How to be featured on Instagram’s Explore page

Do you want to know the fast track to growing your account on Instagram? It’s called the Explore page, and a feature on there can result in a huge boost in followers, engagement, and lead generation.


But, finding your way onto that page is shrouded in mystery for many aspiring influencers. __END_BLOG__ Especially with all the constant algorithm changes, it can feel very frustrating when you’re putting so much time and effort into your account, without seeing any real growth.


If you manage to get your post shown on the Explore page though, you’re getting extra exposure and accelerated growth! But, how do you get there?



What is the explore page?

Let us begin by giving you a nice rundown of exactly what the explore page is, and why it’s so useful for growing your account.


The explore page has long been a feature on Instagram, and its primary use is to help you find more accounts that you’ll enjoy on the platform. It highlights popular accounts by showing their recent images to people who aren’t currently following them.


It is a constant stream of content that Instagram thinks you would enjoy, and a great way to expand the kind of accounts that fill up your follow list.


How does Instagram choose what posts to show?

The explore page is different for every user, as it is based on past activity and individual interests. But the way that they select which images to highlight still works the same from account to account - it’s only the results that will differ.



One of the biggest factors that determines what content is shown on the explore page is the amount of engagement that a post attracts. Engagement covers everything from likes, comments, and saves.


Already, we know how important high levels of engagement are because of the latest algorithm changes, but they are essential for getting your content shown on the explore page. Instagram understands that good engagement means people are interested in your post. If people are interested in your post, then it must be of good quality and therefore deserves to be highlighted on their explore page.


But, it’s about more than just attracting good levels of engagement - you have to attract it quickly. The algorithm favors content that attracts high levels of engagement within the first 15 minutes. Because of this, you need to be keeping track of your accounts analytics through your business account to see exactly when your followers are most active.



The Network Effect

The easiest way to have your content highlighted on the explore page is to have a bigger account interaction with your content.


Instagram fills your explore page with content you’ve liked, and content that accounts you follow have liked. This is called the “network effect”. If you manage to attract a like or comment from a big account, then your post will be shown to the rest of their followers through their explore - really expanding your reach.


This is one way that your content can quickly go “viral”, as every like or comment you get from people will show your content to their followers on the explore page as well. If your post relates to a particular account with a high following, don’t be afraid to tag them, or mention them in the comments. Don’t just tag random accounts though - that is one quick way to mark your account as spam!



How to get your content on the explore page

Attracting engagement is key, and here are some simple ways you can improve your content to have it featured on the explore page.


Tailored content

First and foremost, you need to be posting high-quality content on your feed. Low-quality posts will do nothing to improve your brand or attract engagement. Without the engagement, you’re not going to appear on the explore page - which is why we’re here!


But, more than this, once you’re on the explore page, you want your post to stand out from all the others. And the easiest way to do this is with top-notch content. The best way to create the kind of content your followers will like is by engaging in a little bit of online stalking!


In the marketing world, we call this “social listening”, and it’s an invaluable tool for anyone trying to improve their social media presence. Take a look at your follower's profiles and following lists and find out what kind of content they’re engaging with the most. Then, use this information to dictate your own content calendar.



Include a call-to-action

If you want people to like or comment on your photo, sometimes the easiest way to do so is simply to ask! Including a call-to-action in your caption helps your followers to understand exactly what you want them to do, and they don’t have to be complicated or fancy.

  1. “Be sure to click that heart if you like this!”
  2. “Tell me your favorite flavor in the comments!”
  3. “Tag a friend who would LOVE this in the comments!”


See? Simple and effective ways to increase the engagement on your post!



The Power of the Hashtag

If you’re on Instagram and not working your hashtag game to its full advantage, then you’re really missing out! This platform was built on the power of hashtags, and ignoring them is the perfect way to halt your growth.


Including just one hashtag in your post’s caption can result in an average of 12.6% more engagement than leaving them out altogether. Hashtags help bring even more people to your feed, helping you get more engagement, helping you get onto that all-important explore page.


There are loads of sites out there with hashtag lists, or you can investigate some of your favorite accounts to see which one they’re using. Experiment with what combinations work best for you, and apply these to all your posts to bring in those extra likes and comments.


Getting featured on the explore page is a great way to grow your account on Instagram. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll soon see an increase in engagement, followers, and website clicks from your profile.

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