Everything You Need To Know About Instagram’s Most Recent Algorithm Update

Everything You Need To Know About Instagram’s Most Recent Algorithm Update

Published on 8th of October 2024

Instagram algorithm updates are nothing new, but the latest update has everyone talking. Instagram recently announced a renewed focus on original content and more opportunities for smaller content creators.

This means that every content creator focused on original, quality content will have a far better chance of reaching larger audiences. It also means that those creating content on a smaller scale and with a smaller audience have a much better chance of finding success on Instagram by going viral.

But perhaps the biggest shakeup involves aggregators.

What Is Changing Regarding Aggregators?

Many aggregators that repost original videos and photos will credit the content creators. However, far too often, aggregators use original content without so much as a nod in the direction of the content creator.

Following Instagram’s latest algorithm update, this is all about to change. Instagram will be taking steps to remove reposted content. This process targets accounts that continue sharing other people’s content more than ten times in one month.

The aim is to free content creators’ Explore pages and feed recommendations from aggregation accounts. However, this does not mean Instagram will ban aggregators from posting on the platform. They may be allowed to post again a month after their last unoriginal post.

How Does the Aggregator Change Affect Original Content Creators?

Essentially, cutting off aggregator methods is not the only thing Instagram plans to do. The company is committed to replacing unoriginal posts with the original creator’s content in recommendations. However, this relies on determining whether the content was recently posted and whether the original post is the same as the repost.

Overview Of Other New Changes

In addition to higher visibility for smaller content creators and replacement posts for original creators, the following also apply to the new algorithm update:

  • Well-performing content for small audiences will receive higher distribution and better Instagram placement.

  • If someone uses your content for reposting, each post will receive a label giving you credit. Instagram will notify you that it is attributing the content to you.

It is important to note that, at this time, these algorithm changes mainly apply to reels. And, if someone ‘remixes’ your reel content, it will be considered original content. This means you will not get attribution, and the poster will not get punished for it.

Also, the new rules are meant to distribute content to non-followers and will not impact your current audience.

The Main Takeaway For Content Creators

The general takeaway should be that you will continue to get attribution for your original content.

And, if you are a smaller content creator, you will now get a select audience that will continue to see your content. From here on, things work pretty much the same. If you create consistently popular content, Instagram’s algorithm will show it to more people.

However, this means that your content must be well-liked. Because reels are a direct competitor of TikTok videos, popularity counts above everything else. As always, this popularity is determined based on users who see the reels, not the size of the existing audience.

How Does All This Impact User-Generated Content?

If you have a business and use UGC to promote products and services, the new algorithm update will affect you.

However, it will only significantly impact your process if you solely rely on UGC, especially reels. If you only use UGC occasionally, there should not be any problems. But, if you post more than ten reels created by users within one month, your account will be restricted from allowing these accounts to appear on the Explore page and in recommendations.

Again, if you want to share UGC content, you should be fine if you keep the number below ten per month. Also, since other people can remix your reels, you can remix UGC reels to make the content ‘original.’

Is Instagram the Only Social Media Platform Focusing On Reposted Content?

Instagram may have announced its algorithm update recently, but that does not mean that this platform is alone in considering the impact of reposted content.

For instance, Pinterest is getting on the same bandwagon with its Account Claiming feature. This feature helps content creators link their Instagram content to their Pinterest accounts. This helps ensure that this content is correctly attributed when shared on Pinterest.

Pinterest is on board with this updated way of doing things. This is why the platform has added a follow button to help Instagram content creators grow their audience even more.

YouTube is also making plans to help smaller content creators shine online. Their reused content policy has been updated and allows creators to be removed from the Partner Program if they share reused content. There is some leeway, however, with YouTube agreeing that they will not suspend or remove users who make changes to said content.

Adapting Your Instagram Marketing Strategy in 2024 And Beyond

As for your Instagram marketing strategy, you do not need to change much if you already create high-quality, original content.

You can adapt your strategy to fit your expanding marketing goals in 2024 and beyond. For instance, if you notice more engagement around reels than static posts, you should focus on creating bigger and better reels. If you want to improve brand recognition, you should work on streamlining your brand design and voice.

As for the rest, the same also applies. Optimize your Instagram profile so that users can instantly see what you do. Write a good bio that attracts instant attention and use all possible and relevant keywords and hashtags.

Limit reposts of UGC and other accounts to less than ten per month. If possible, try not to repost content unless you have made the required changes. You do not want to do anything that detracts from your content, so it is best to focus on creating your own successful and original content.

Lastly, stay on top of algorithm changes as they happen. Doing this will help you adapt all your content and strategies timeously. The more you know how to work with the algorithm, the more the algorithm will work for you.

Published by Stormlikes.com

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