Highlights from the Official 2023 Instagram Trend Report Any Marketer Should Know

Highlights from the Official 2023 Instagram Trend Report Any Marketer Should Know

Published on 21st of January 2024

Instagram just released its 2023 Trend Report. As always, this annual report is data-driven and gives marketers important guidance on what to expect in the coming year. The report helps marketers like you save time on gathering and analyzing data for improving your Instagram strategies.

How the Data Was Gathered

The report is the result of Instagram surveying 1,200 Gen Z users in the United States. The report covers a long list of topics to determine what is truly most important to members of this generation.

What to Do with the Report

Use the report to make sure you understand what Gen Z prioritizes. Then, use that knowledge to better focus your messaging across all platforms, especially your content strategy on Instagram. Get creative with ways to incorporate the issues that Gen Z cares the most about.

For example, one priority highlighted in the report is fashion sustainability. So, if you are a clothing brand or retailer, you can use Instagram to emphasize the sustainability practices your company uses.

Below are the important trends highlighted in this Instagram report.

  • Fashion Sustainability

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    Fashion sustainability is one of the major trends becoming apparent on Instagram posts. The data in the report showed that over half of Gen Zers plan to alter or make their clothes in 2023. This emphasizes the trend of DIY clothing as part of sustainability efforts.

    In addition to DIY clothing, another sustainable trend is shopping at thrift stores. Over a quarter of respondents head to the thrift store if an item is out of their budget.

  • Activism and Social Justice

    Another major trend in the Instagram report is social justice and activism. As a refresher, as of last year, there is now officially a Gen Z politician in Congress, Maxwell Frost. The data shows that Gen Zers want to see more elected officials from their generation.

    Additionally, the report mentioned the growing popularity of advocates for people with disabilities. Three-quarters of Gen Zers in the survey indicated they want to follow influencers with disabilities. The report says we should expect the next generations to engage with brands and creators who advocate for people in this sector of society.

    Gen Zers are willing to put their money where their mouth is, with many saying they donate to relevant causes in their community. Additionally, those who are still too young to vote say that donating and participating in Instagram advocacy is important to them.

  • Beauty and Skincare

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    There are a few relevant trends in the realm of beauty and skincare.

    • Protective Products

      Two-thirds of Gen Zers said that they buy protective beauty and skincare products. The Instagram report’s authors say this is likely due to environmental factors such as intense UV rays, air pollution, and other extreme weather.

    • Cosmetics and Personality

      The report also indicates a trend of expressive and experimental makeup looks. According to the data, Gen Zers see cosmetics as a way to show off their personalities.

  • International Food and Culture

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    There is good news for companies selling international foods. Nearly 70% of respondents said after discovering food from another culture online, they plan to try it.

    There is also an increase in interest in global music. Over half of respondents said they plan to listen to artists who speak a language other than English.

  • Social Media Income

    Just like you use Instagram for your marketing efforts, two-thirds of Gen Zers plan to use social media as part of a side hustle in 2023. This trend also corresponds to an increase in the desire to be financially literate. 2023 was even called the “year of the side hustle.” Even so, almost half of creators make content specifically to have fun and express themselves, whether or not it includes an income stream.

    Specifically, more than 85% of respondents said they would learn a new skill in 2023. And a quarter of respondents want to increase their financial skills.

    • An Extra Note on Taking Advantage of This Trend

      This trend is particularly important for your Instagram marketing strategy. After all, if more Gen Zers want to use social media as an income stream, you will likely find yourself with even more influencers to work with.

  • The Metaverse


    As Instagram is a Meta company, it should come as no surprise that the survey also included questions about the metaverse. Gen Zers want to be able to use avatars that look like them. Sixty-seven percent of respondents said avatars need to include a better variety of body types, skin tones, and clothing.

    And more than half of respondents plan on getting inspiration for their fashion and beauty trends from digital influencers or avatars.

  • In-Person Events and Interactions

    In addition to trends on Instagram itself, the report also looked at trends in the real world, including those announced on Instagram. For instance, a third of respondents said they want to attend conventions or meet and greets with their favorite influencers.

    Raves will also be popular, with two-thirds of Gen Zers saying they want to attend a rave in 2023.

  • Other Types of Content Creation

    More than 40% of respondents said they want their top social media creators to also make podcasts. This is just one part of a trend toward branching out to create other types of content.

  • Instagram Dating

    person in blue denim jeans and brown and white checked shirt holding hands with woman in near near on near

    Another interesting topic in the Trend Report is dating. Specifically, instead of using traditional dating apps, Gen Zers plan to use social media like Instagram for dating. Respondents say they feel more comfortable online and can drive connections with direct messages.

    When it comes to sending those direct messages, almost half of the respondents said they would potentially send a meme as their first message. But be careful with memes, as 39% of respondents said that “bad taste” in memes reduces the attractiveness of their crush.

The Bottom Line

Now that you have a better idea of what trends Gen Zers want to follow in 2023, you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy. Choose a trend that works with your brand and create content that takes advantage of it. Additionally, make the most of the increase in Gen Zers.

Published by Stormlikes.com

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