5 Tips For Advertising on Instagram

5 Tips For Advertising on Instagram

Published on 24th of July 2018

Fueling the war against its competitors, Instagram pumped out new features and tweaks like there’s no tomorrow. Haven’t you been left wondering where to focus your Instagram advertising __END_BLOG__ and marketing efforts after these changes?


Well we have, our simple tips help small businesses and brands control their marketing efforts while the rest scramble and grapple for answers on their own.


1. Searchable Profile Name

Make sure your name is searchable and related to the services and products offered.


Users aren’t searching unique brand names to find solutions to their problems. Instead, they’re looking for general purpose names, perhaps the location too.


The photo below, is a terrible example. Who’s searching for IknonicBikerz?


No one that’s who.

Instead of choosing an unintelligible name, go with something clear and concise like those below.

  • · Carpet Cleaners NYC
  • · Web Developers York
  • · Local SEO Nebraska, Omaha


Of course, some non-followers might know your name, but that’s not an excuse to cut yourself off from the rest of Instagram.


Whatever the product or service, make sure your name reflects that. You’ll gain more exposure, traction and keep ahead of the competition with making non-followers lives easier.



2. Optimize Your Description

Your profile’s next.


Get your notepad out, and start mapping ideas.

For new businesses and established ones too, your profile also needs to reflect the services and products being offered. Non-followers check profile descriptions within seconds, making sure it’s the right service for them


Plain and clear, in few words, explain your services and benefits. (Not Features)

  • · Professional Carpet Cleaners
    • NEW YORK CITY 24/7
    • Sweet, Fresh & Fragrant Results
  • · Website Creation & Site Renovation
    • Fast, Efficient & Affordable
    • Free Consultation Local York Area
  • · Local Search Engine Optimization
    • Maximize Leads - Tailored Needs
    • Omaha, Nebraska


Whatever you write, make is simple, clear and quick. You have just split seconds to hold their attention, click that link and become a lead.


Mini Marketing Tip: For some people, that’s not enough. Add some spice to the bio, make it special and related to your brand. But make sure it doesn’t confuse or dampen the message.



3. Never Forget the Link

  • 3 Seconds to search your service name
  • 2 Seconds to scan the description
  • 1 Second to click the link.


People’s attention is nonexistent.


People want instant connection with your service, without the link, you’re making the user work harder. Create an account that’s easier to navigate, understand and interact with.


Direct the user to content, campaigns, landing pages or whatever else nurtures leads. Contests are great, and so is a little description above the link if there’s still room.

  • Free Cleaning Samples
  • Free Consultation Contest
  • New Content, Accelerate Leads


No need for the caps of course, especially if that detracts from the service description. But, make it clear where the link leads too.


Mini Marketing Tip: Not enough room? Attempt to cut down the description, keep the link line to bare minimum. Click Below, Learn More, See More, Click.



4. Link Comment Communication

Once your profile description and name is clear, along with your link, whatever that might lead to, the next thing to concentrate on is connecting users to your profile.


Users can do this their own ways, clicking through your profile name, however advertising is more successful when we make it easier for users.


In the comments section, add an “@profilename mention”, once clicked, the user will be transported to your profile. This can also be written in the photo description, put it in both if it works.


Use your captions wisely, direct their attention towards the link, you want them off from Instagram and engaging with your offers, services and products. Keep them clear, just like your profile description, ask them to follow the link, using direct terms.


People find your photos all over Instagram’s feed, sometimes in the explore page, not just through your profile. Providing the user an @ link with the call to action helps them jump straight to the offer, content or landing page which you have linked.


Above the link, to make it plainly obvious, you could add “The link below.” Or “Here’s the link!” Keep it clear, and actionable. Take the decision making away from the user.



5. Adding Text to Photos

Ok, this might heat up some debate.


Posting photos with text on Instagram, useful or useless?


Some Instagrammers believe it should just be photos, no text. However, adding text to photos sends a clear message to other users about you, your business or brand. It’s the easiest, fastest and most straightforward method of communicating on Instagram.

The user doesn’t have to read the caption, doesn’t need to dig for more information in the comments, he or she knows within an instant what’s being shared.


This is effective because there’s only a few milliseconds per photo to grab the user’s attention. Instagram, like all other social media platforms are made up of users with the shortest attention spans. Give them a jab with these word photos, Send them the message in an instant.


Perhaps you have an incredible offer, of 40% off, well how are the users going to know about this in one split second with just a photo of the product? You can’t hedge your bets on the user reading your captions, comments or clicking through to your profile without good reason.


Mini Instagram Marketing Tip: You’ve heard it before, use good photos. Use photos which are going to cause an impact. Something that grabs attention and doesn’t hold back the message. Use photo’s which complement the message, the typography itself to create images that hog attention.


Now there’s no point reading this without implementing these tips. Instagram’s getting more complicated, and fast with each moment. Take a few minutes to optimise your instagram profile. Use simple, clear and actionable messages, those will make the most difference.


Leave the ones which take time until last, focus first on the easiest changes. Your name, description and adding that link in there with a call to action is just the beginning.


That’s all folks. Until next time!

Published by Stormlikes.com

Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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