Run Out of Instagram Post Ideas? Here Are 21 Things You Can Post!

Run Out of Instagram Post Ideas? Here Are 21 Things You Can Post!

Published on 21st of April 2019

Posting on Instagram can be a hassle because it’s easy to run out of ideas. You want to keep uploading and sharing content with your followers, but you feel like you’ve already posted too many similar pictures. What if your followers are getting bored? There’s no need to worry anymore because we’ve got you covered.

Run out of instagram post ideas? Here are 21 things you can post!

1. Make your own memes

Memes are extremely popular right now. While you don’t have to come up with your own meme, you can make one your own. For example, if you look at the picture above, Gary Vaynerchuk made himself into a Pokémon card. If this seems ridiculous, just remember that Gary is a professional businessman, but he knows that this is what his followers like.

2. Throwbacks

As a professional brand, you might feel like sharing a picture of when you were five and had a missing front tooth might seem unprofessional, but people love those types of pictures. Your followers adore you, and they’d love an insight to your childhood.

3. Unique pictures of your products

Everyone posts plain pictures of their products (as in, just their product in front of a colorful background), but get creative! Arrange your items in a way that stands out. For example, if you’re selling mugs, don’t just take a picture of the mug. Take a picture of your friend dipping an Oreo into it.

4. Videos where you share advice

Instead of uploading another picture, what if you uploaded a sixty-second video where you give your followers free, valuable advice. They would love to see and hear you speaking after so many pictures.

5. Other social media content

If you don’t want to come up with content, you can easily go into another social media platform, such as Twitter, and take a screenshot of your tweet, then share it to Instagram. (This doubles as a way to promote your other social media!)

6. Pictures of your daily life

What are you up to today? Are you working in a coffee shop, hanging with friends, or even laying in bed reading a book? You can take pictures of you doing those things (make it look good, of course), and upload them!

7. Inspirational quotes

Pictures with inspirational quotes are very popular. While you might be hesitant, they don’t have to be cheesy. They don’t even have to be from someone else, they can be yours. If you use cool typography, you’ll stand out.

8. The “insignificant” things

Your followers are interested in a bunch of the things you do. So, share them all! Take pictures of what you have for breakfast every morning, what’s in your bag, or the new print on your bedroom wall.

9. Tutorials

If you’re someone who can make a short tutorial of something, you can upload short clips onto instagram showing your followers how to do that thing. For example, you can do a speed-drawing if you’re an artist.

10. Food

Despite how many times people share pictures of their food, they’re still popular. The pictures, of course, have to look “aesthetic” but even if you’re eating a pizza at home, add your iPad opened to Netflix beside it, and you’ve got fifty likes.

11. Your office/desk

Everyone’s obsessed with productivity and workspaces. Your followers would love to see your desk/office setup. Capture your laptop, the mess of sticky notes, and the pens strewn around. Clean it up or don’t, people will love it either way.

12. Resources

What do you use to host your blog, paint your pictures, or promote your business? Take a picture of the resources you use, such as the machine you use to make t-shirts or the brand of markers you use, and share it.

13. Repost content you like

Once again, if you don’t want to come up with content, you can also repost pictures you like that you know your followers would like too. You can do this with any repost app. Don’t do this to the point where your own content gets lost!

14. User-generated content

You most likely have customers that have sent you pictures of the products they bought from you. Whether they hung up your design or they’re wearing your beanie, you can repost those pictures.

15. Sneak peeks

If you have any new products coming out, share sneak peeks. You can record a certain angle of your new ceramic or share a picture of a page from your new freebie. This is a great way to promote your products and build excitement.

16. Host a Q&A

If you want, you can host a Q&A every week, bi-weekly, or any time you’re free! Post a picture that says, “Q&A: Ask me anything!” Let people ask you questions in the comments, and reply to as many as you can.

17. Countdowns

Again, if you have a launch soon, do a countdown on Instagram. Every day, post a picture of a number representing the days left until your product or new website is released. This is another smart way to build excitement.

18. What are you reading?

Post pictures of the books you’re reading. Or, every time you finish a book, snap a picture, and in the caption, leave a short review.

19. Make your own gifs

Do something silly in front of the camera, or take something from your YouTube videos, and turn it into a funny gif. Marie Forleo is a genius at making gifs and sharing them to her subscribers of her email list.

20. Funny pictures (you create)

Get creative with your products, or do something funny yourself. For example, Sue B. Zimmerman in the picture above got a mug with a funny, inspirational saying, took a picture with it, and uploaded it! It earned her over four-hundred likes.

21. Host giveaways

Giveaways can give you a good three or four days worth of content. You announce the giveaway, promote it, and share pictures of the items you’ll be giving away. Giveaways are also a fantastic way to gain followers.

There you have it. Twenty-one Instagram ideas for Instagram posts next time you feel stuck!

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