7 Instagram Marketing Tactics You'll Wish You Knew Earlier

7 Instagram Marketing Tactics You'll Wish You Knew Earlier

Published on 23rd of September 2022

Ready to learn some killer Instagram tactics to make your social arsenal rock-hard?

Our Instagram marketing tips will help you work faster and wiser. Hide hashtags in your stories, add line breaks to your captions, respond to DMs in just two clicks, and so much more.

In this guide, we're revealing 7 of the best tactics to help you get more from your Instagram marketing:

1. Add Line Breaks to Your Bio

person holding Android smartphoneHave you been aiming to write a pitch-perfect Instagram bio, but you're getting troubled because Instagram removes your line breaks automatically?

This is a quick-fix that can make a massive difference to your bio and leave viewers with a great first impression!

And all it needs is signing into Instagram from your laptop!

  • Go to Instagram.com on your desktop and sign in to your account. 

  • Tap "Edit Profile" from your profile page. 

  • This will show a Settings page where you can write your bio straight into the text box!

  • Click "Submit" when you've completed editing your bio, and it will update your profile—all line breaks added!

2. Link to Other Hashtags or Profiles in Your Bio

Free Pencil on a Notebook  Stock PhotoYou can now insert clickable text in your Instagram bio, by adding a # or @ before a word or account. Other people will be able to click it to learn more.

This could be helpful if you're managing more than one account for your business or running a branded hashtag campaign.

How to link to hashtags or other profiles in your bio:

  • From your Instagram profile, tap "Edit Profile"

  • In the bio section, attach any Instagram handles (adding the @ symbol) or any hashtags (applying the # symbol)

  • When you're finished with your bio, tap "Done" in the top right corner of the screen

  • Instagram will automatically get this text linked to the profile or hashtag

3. Find the Right Alignment for Your Bio

A few techniques can make your Instagram bio stand out, and getting the proper spacing or alignment for your bio could make such a huge difference.

This one might need some trial and error to get right, but the outcomes will be an eye-catching bio that stands out!

Remember, you have only 150 characters for your Instagram bio, so be careful not to compromise on your brand messaging to get your adjustment right.

How to add spaces or change the alignment to your Instagram bio:

  • Use a web browser to open your Instagram account. (This trick can be performed on the mobile app, but it's a lot more comfortable in the desktop version.)

  • Copy the area between the arrows (make sure you're copying the space between the arrows, not the arrows themselves): >>⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀<<

  • Hit the "Edit Your Profile" button from your profile page on Instagram.

  • Go to the "Bio" text field and paste the spaces you copied above before each line of text. If your text isn't excellently centered, you can always add or delete spaces until you reach the perfect alignment!

4. Add Special Characters to Your Caption or Bio Name

Free Person With Stickers on Her Face Stock PhotoHave you ever questioned how some Instagram profiles have cute special characters such as sun, stars, and pencils in their Instagram bios?

Believe it or not, these are the emojis you'll find in your word processing applications—Word, Google Docs, etc.

Add special characters to your Instagram bio using Microsoft Word:

  • Open a Word document.

  • Start writing your bio, and where you would like to place a unique character, go to "Insert" and "Advanced Symbol."

  • Here you can search for symbols you'd like to add, like Wingdings, Wingdings 2, Wingdings 3, zodiac signs, or arrows from the drop-down list that have the most characters to choose from. 

  • Add the icons where you would want them in your bio.

  • Open your Instagram account on your computer and go to "Edit Profile."

  • From the Word document, copy and paste your bio to your Instagram bio and click "Done."

5. Turn Your Instagram Feed into a Shoppable Webpage

If you're getting disappointed by not connecting out from Instagram, you're not alone!

With certain tools, though, you can tag your Instagram posts with any link you want (consider in-depth guides, product pages, and blog posts) to make your feed into a clickable, optimized landing page.

These pages can link to anywhere you like—your blog, company website, or any other site you think your users will be interested in!

How to appear in more search engine results on the Explore page:

  • Click on "Edit Profile" on the top right of your Instagram profile

  • Below your profile picture, you'll see the "Name" field. Replace the text here to include your keywords 

  • Once completed, tap "Done" on the top right corner of your computer.

Further reading: How to get your content more on the explore page

6. Reorder Your Instagram Highlights

Take your Stories' Highlights as your brand's portfolio or lookbook. The idea is to share your best content on the front of your profile page.

The Instagram Highlights above your grid is your best real estate on the platform, and you need to ensure you're constantly optimizing that space and displaying your best scenes.

But as you publish a new highlight, your current highlights are moved to the right, and customers may need to scroll to find them. As long as it's not disorganized, there's no issue about that.

Putting your Highlights in the right order is highly crucial if you want to fascinate your audience to tap through them.

Thankfully, there's a trick to constantly having your best highlights at the front and in this top-4 spot!

How to reorder your Instagram Stories' Highlights:

  • Touch and hold the Highlight you need to bring to the front of your Highlights menu.

  • Select "Edit Highlight."

  • Then hit the "Archive" tab to reach all of your archived Instagram Stories.

  • Touch to add a story to your highlight and click "Done."

  • This will shift your highlight to the front of your Highlights thread.

  • Then you'll need to revise the steps above but unselect the story you just selected to remove from your highlight.

This technique will take less than 60 seconds, so it's super strange anyone will catch this super speedy trick in action.

But here's the pay-off: your best highlights are the first ones to appear on your page!


Published by Stormlikes.com

Stormlikes is the ultimate solution to your Instagram growth. We're the pioneers of viral Instagram marketing so make sure to explore our products or venture down the rabbit hole that is our blog. You'll find hours of learning materials related to Instagram marketing and other social media.

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