Strategies for Pinned Comments on Instagram

Strategies for Pinned Comments on Instagram

Published on 27th of May 2022

After an initial round of testing, Instagram rolled out its pinned comments feature in 2020. This feature allows you to pin comments to the top of your posts. It was created to help people combat bullying by highlighting positive comments. Brands quickly onboard, using the feature to their advantage. Go over some strategies to help you get the most out of pinned comments. Then, find out how to use the feature to pin comments on your posts. 

Use Pinned Comments to Highlight Testimonialsgrayscale photography of man

Users tend to leave testimonials on product posts. They let the world know what they think of the product, but their words can get buried after others leave comments. You can help more people see the testimonial with the pinned comment feature. When people click on the product post, the positive testimonials will be the first thing they see. People who see positive comments are more likely to buy your products, so this is a great way to boost sales. It’s also a way to acknowledge what people love about your products. 

Use Pinned Comments for FAQsgrayscale photography of two people raising their hands

Do people ask questions in the comment section of your posts? When people ask a question, others are often wondering the same thing. Pin relevant questions to the top of the post and then answer them. Then, when people click on the post, they can review answers to frequently asked questions. This type of information informs your customer base. It also might be just what they need to go from an interested consumer to a paying customer.  

Get the Conversation Rolling With Pinned Comments

When you look through your comments, you’ll likely find some amazing conversation starters. Getting the conversation going on your posts will increase engagement, so pin those comments. Then, people can join in the conversation when they click on your post. If you do this correctly, your engagement levels should increase dramatically. You can help that happen by getting in on the conversation as well. 

Build a Sense of CommunityCrop group stacking hands together

You can even use pinned comments to build a sense of community. Look for comments that show people helping others and pin them to the top. Your page can become a place to go for your followers to connect. This shows that your page is bigger than you are. It’s about your followers as well. That can add another dimension to your page and help your followers connect with your brand. 

Answer the Hard Questions

Sometimes, people ask hard questions in the comment section. Your readers might take you to task over something you posted, and your first instinct is likely to bury that comment. However, sometimes, the best thing to do is pin the post at the top and respond to it, showing that you are taking accountability. This can make people trust you even more. It’s hard to do, but it can help your brand. Just make sure that all of your pinned comments don’t fit into this category. Otherwise, it will look like you have an unhappy customer base. 

Hide Negative Comments

Is there a negative comment showing up on the top of your comment section? If it’s not something that should be addressed, you can move it down by placing a pinned comment on top of it. Then, instead of seeing the negative comment first, people will see a comment of your choosing. This can help you steer the conversation away from negativity.

Get Focusedblack and gray camera lens

You can even use pinned comments to choose a focus for the comment section. Your posts likely collect all types of comments. However, you probably had a specific focus in mind when you created your post. Choose a comment that promotes that focus and pin it to the top. This will help you control the conversion, so you can get your point across. 

How to Pin Comments on Instagram

Instagram makes it easy to pin comments. Go to the post and swipe left on the comment you want to pin. Then, click on the thumbtack icon. That post will then be pinned to the top of the comment section. 

Do People Know When You Pin Their Comments?

Instagram notifies users when others pin their comments. When people see the notification, they are likely to come back to the post and add more. Again, this helps increase engagement, so the notification system can help you grow your page. 

How Many Pinned Comments Can You Have?Three Gold Tacks

Instagram allows you to have up to three pinned comments on a post at a time. You have the option to unpin comments at any time. Then, you can pin new ones. 

Swipe left on the comment that you want to unpin. You’ll see a thumbtack icon appear. Click on it to unpin the comment. Then, you can pin another comment in its place if you wish. 

Can You Pin Your Own Comments?

You might add something amazing to the conversation on one of your posts, but you cannot pin your own comments. Instagram only allows you to pin comments from others. However, you can respond to pinned comments. Many brands choose to do this so they can be part of the conversation. This humanizes the brand and shows people that you are responsive and engaging. Plus, you can learn a lot about your followers when you join the conversation. 

Use Pinned Comments and Other Strategies to Build EngagementBlue Red and Yellow Plastic Toy

When combined with other strategies, pinned comments are a powerful tool to increase engagement and steer the conversation. Combine pinned comments with strategies such as buying Instagram likes to get a quick engagement boost. Between the additional likes and the engagement from the comments, you will show Instagram that you have a popular page. 

Instagram rewards popular pages with a higher ranking in the search results, so you will attract more views and get more followers. Whether you are selling a product or want to become an influencer, this is vital for your success on Instagram. Start pinning comments today to enjoy the benefits. 

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